Statement of Faith
We believe:
- In the word-by-word inspiration, inerrancy, and final authority of the Holy Scriptures.
- In one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- In the Lord Jesus Christ as true God and true man; His virgin birth, sinless humanity, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, present advocacy, and bodily return.
- In the fall of man, resulting in his complete and universal separation from God and his need of salvation.
- That the Lord Jesus Christ shed His blood and died as a sacrifice for the sins of every person in the whole world.
- That salvation is a free and everlasting gift of God, entirely apart from works, received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- That the Holy Spirit regenerates with divine life and personally indwells the believer upon faith in Christ for salvation.
- In the bodily resurrection and unending life of the saved with the Lord and the bodily resurrection and unending punishment of the unsaved.
- The church, beginning at Pentecost, is the body of Christ comprised of those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour.
- It is the church’s responsibility to glorify Christ by preaching the gospel to the whole world and making disciples of all nations.
We also hold and teach the following positions:
- The pretribulational rapture of the church and Christ’s premillennial return to the earth.
- The consistent literal, historical-grammatical interpretation of the Bible.
- That a soul once saved can never be lost.
- The practice of believer’s baptism by immersion.
- That we do not practice what are commonly known as the “sign gifts”.
We value:
- The Word of God as our final authority
- A Spirit-controlled life
- Dependence on God
- The role and responsibility of the local church in the Great Commission
- Readiness to sacrifice for Christ and His Church
- Godly relationships and interdependence in ministry
- The potential of all believers to be used by God in the Great Commission
- Excellence and urgency in all we do to finish the task.
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