
Bulk Fuel Tank

Over the past few years, fuel shortage has brought ongoing drama to the country of Papua New Guinea — and the threat of disruption of flight service to church planting teams in remote locations. At one point in early 2024, Ethnos360 Aviation paid a substantial price to order 80 barrels of Jet-A (fuel for turbine engines) from New Zealand to stave off the inevitable prospect of “no fuel, no flights.” More recently, they have been ordering 80 drums at a time from Australia, but it costs 30% more than local fuel, and it takes weeks to arrive. Maintaining a sea of drums is no way to continue operating. Over the last decade, the aviation program has customarily bought fuel from another agency who has a bulk tank, but that’s no longer available.

To continue to faithfully serve the 43 active church planting locations, some relying solely on aviation – and to serve national church leaders as they strengthen existing groups of believers – the Ethnos360 Aviation flight program requires a dependable flow of Jet-A. 

Give {{amount}} to Bulk Fuel Tank

    Bulk Fuel Tank

    Over the past few years, fuel shortage has brought ongoing drama to the country of Papua New Guinea — and the threat of disruption of flight service to church planting teams in remote locations. At one point in early 2024, Ethnos360 Aviation paid a substantial price to order 80 barrels of Jet-A (fuel for turbine engines) from New Zealand to stave off the inevitable prospect of “no fuel, no flights.” More recently, they have been ordering 80 drums at a time from Australia, but it costs 30% more than local fuel, and it takes weeks to arrive. Maintaining a sea of drums is no way to continue operating. Over the last decade, the aviation program has customarily bought fuel from another agency who has a bulk tank, but that’s no longer available. To continue to faithfully serve the 43 active church planting locations, some relying solely on aviation – and to serve national church leaders as they strengthen existing groups of believers – the Ethnos360 Aviation flight program requires a dependable flow of Jet-A.

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    * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

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      Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
      * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
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      Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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      Thank you for your donation.

      God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

      Possible delay in receiving your gift
      It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


      Bible Translation

      Bible translation works out to about $35 a verse. Will you sponsor a verse or two, or ten? Perhaps you could choose a chapter or even a book to sponsor.

      Give {{amount}} to Bible Translation

        Bible Translation

        Bible translation works out to about $35 a verse. Will you sponsor a verse or two, or ten? Perhaps you could choose a chapter or even a book to sponsor.

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        Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
        * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

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          Monthly giving option available in next step
          Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
          * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
          Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
          Your gift will remain anonymous
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          Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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          Thank you for your donation.

          God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

          Possible delay in receiving your gift
          It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


          Equipping National Co-Workers

          Your gift will help national missionaries achieve their goal of reaching more people with the gospel, by equipping them for effective ministry.

          For 80 years we’ve been working worldwide, but many challenges, both political and religious, prevent us from sending Ethnos missionaries to every people group that lacks a thriving church. And there’s one answer to all of them: Training. You can play a vital role in helping provide for the training of people from other countries to reach not only their own country, but the world.

          Give {{amount}} to Equipping National Co-Workers

            Equipping National Co-Workers

            Your gift will help national missionaries achieve their goal of reaching more people with the gospel, by equipping them for effective ministry. For 80 years we've been working worldwide, but many challenges, both political and religious, prevent us from sending Ethnos missionaries to every people group that lacks a thriving church. And there's one answer to all of them: Training. You can play a vital role in helping provide for the training of people from other countries to reach not only their own country, but the world.

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            Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
            * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

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            Give a Gift
              Monthly giving option available in next step
              Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
              * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
              Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
              Your gift will remain anonymous
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              Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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              Thank you for your donation.

              God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

              Possible delay in receiving your gift
              It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


              Where Most Needed

              Your investment in Ethnos will be used in the most strategic way to perform the behind the scenes work in Canada to recruit, equip and support missionaries around the world.

              Give {{amount}} to Where Most Needed

                Where Most Needed

                Your investment in Ethnos will be used in the most strategic way to perform the behind the scenes work in Canada to recruit, equip and support missionaries around the world.

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                Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

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                  Monthly giving option available in next step
                  Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                  * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
                  Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
                  Your gift will remain anonymous
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                  Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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                  Thank you for your donation.

                  God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

                  Possible delay in receiving your gift
                  It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


                  People Group Assessment

                  Three hundred people group assessments are vital for the strategic placement of missionaries. Each assessment funded — at an average cost of $4,500 each — advances God’s work. Please partner with us to see even one more people group assessment completed, so more tribes can be reached and more lives can be transformed.

                  Give {{amount}} to People Group Assessment

                    People Group Assessment

                    Three hundred people group assessments are vital for the strategic placement of missionaries. Each assessment funded -- at an average cost of $4,500 each -- advances God's work. Please partner with us to see even one more people group assessment completed, so more tribes can be reached and more lives can be transformed.

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                    Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                    * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

                    You have not yet given a gift.

                    Give a Gift
                      Monthly giving option available in next step
                      Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                      * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
                      Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
                      Your gift will remain anonymous
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                      Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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                      Thank you for your donation.

                      God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

                      Possible delay in receiving your gift
                      It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


                      Missionary Training Scholarship Fund

                      Your gift will help missionary candidates to achieve their goal of reaching unreached people with the gospel, by equipping them for effective ministry.

                      Ethnos Canada’s training equips people to minister to an unreached people group, learning the culture and language, translating the Bible and teaching evangelistic Bible lessons with the goal of establishing a thriving church. Though the training is provided at the lowest possible cost, many candidates still need financial help. Gifts to this scholarship fund are eligible for an official receipt for income tax purposes.

                      Your gift will help missionary candidates to achieve their goal of reaching unreached people with the gospel, by equipping them for effective ministry.

                      Give {{amount}} to Missionary Training Scholarship Fund

                        Missionary Training Scholarship Fund

                        Your gift will help missionary candidates to achieve their goal of reaching unreached people with the gospel, by equipping them for effective ministry. Ethnos Canada's training equips people to minister to an unreached people group, learning the culture and language, translating the Bible and teaching evangelistic Bible lessons with the goal of establishing a thriving church. Though the training is provided at the lowest possible cost, many candidates still need financial help. Gifts to this scholarship fund are eligible for an official receipt for income tax purposes. Your gift will help missionary candidates to achieve their goal of reaching unreached people with the gospel, by equipping them for effective ministry.

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                        Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                        * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

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                        Give a Gift
                          Monthly giving option available in next step
                          Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                          * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
                          Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
                          Your gift will remain anonymous
                          Review Your Gift

                          Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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                          Thank you for your donation.

                          God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

                          Possible delay in receiving your gift
                          It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


                          Missionary Assistance Fund

                          Ethnos missionaries don’t receive a set salary and are subject to fluctuations in support and unexpected expenses. They trust God to support their physical needs through gifts from God’s people.

                          You can play a part in bringing the gospel to all nations by your donation to the missionary assistance fund.

                          Give {{amount}} to Missionary Assistance Fund

                            Missionary Assistance Fund

                            Ethnos missionaries don't receive a set salary and are subject to fluctuations in support and unexpected expenses. They trust God to support their physical needs through gifts from God's people. You can play a part in bringing the gospel to all nations by your donation to the missionary assistance fund.

                            Add To Cart
                            Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                            * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

                            You have not yet given a gift.

                            Give a Gift
                              Monthly giving option available in next step
                              Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                              * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
                              Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
                              Your gift will remain anonymous
                              Review Your Gift

                              Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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                              Thank you for your donation.

                              God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

                              Possible delay in receiving your gift
                              It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


                              Complex Ministry Contexts Fund

                              Among the many reasons that the unreached are still unreached is the reality that a growing number of countries are closed or are closing to missions. These realities are in our view every day, and we are very much seeking God’s entrance strategies for us to be able to work in these needy contexts.

                              We are confident that God desires these unreached people groups to have the opportunity to understand the gospel, so we will take one step of faith at a time to learn how to engage.

                              Give {{amount}} to Complex Ministry Contexts Fund

                                Complex Ministry Contexts Fund

                                Among the many reasons that the unreached are still unreached is the reality that a growing number of countries are closed or are closing to missions. These realities are in our view every day, and we are very much seeking God’s entrance strategies for us to be able to work in these needy contexts. We are confident that God desires these unreached people groups to have the opportunity to understand the gospel, so we will take one step of faith at a time to learn how to engage.

                                Add To Cart
                                Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                                * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

                                You have not yet given a gift.

                                Give a Gift
                                  Monthly giving option available in next step
                                  Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                                  * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
                                  Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
                                  Your gift will remain anonymous
                                  Review Your Gift

                                  Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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                                  Thank you for your donation.

                                  God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

                                  Possible delay in receiving your gift
                                  It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


                                  Ethnos360 Aviation General Giving

                                  Give to Ethnos360 Aviation’s general fund or designate your gift.

                                  Give {{amount}} to Ethnos360 Aviation General Giving

                                    Ethnos360 Aviation General Giving

                                    Give to Ethnos360 Aviation's general fund or designate your gift.

                                    Add To Cart
                                    Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                                    * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

                                    You have not yet given a gift.

                                    Give a Gift
                                      Monthly giving option available in next step
                                      Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                                      * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
                                      Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
                                      Your gift will remain anonymous
                                      Review Your Gift

                                      Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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                                      Thank you for your donation.

                                      God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

                                      Possible delay in receiving your gift
                                      It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


                                      Missionary Flight Sponsorship

                                      Missionary Flight Sponsorship needs a consistent base of people to replenish the fund as it is used to establish thriving churches. Do you have financial resources? Do you have a heart for those who have never heard the Gospel? Then Missionary Flight Sponsorship might be just the ministry you are looking for!

                                      Give {{amount}} to Missionary Flight Sponsorship

                                        Missionary Flight Sponsorship

                                        Missionary Flight Sponsorship needs a consistent base of people to replenish the fund as it is used to establish thriving churches. Do you have financial resources? Do you have a heart for those who have never heard the Gospel? Then Missionary Flight Sponsorship might be just the ministry you are looking for!

                                        Add To Cart
                                        Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                                        * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

                                        You have not yet given a gift.

                                        Give a Gift
                                          Monthly giving option available in next step
                                          Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                                          * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
                                          Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
                                          Your gift will remain anonymous
                                          Review Your Gift

                                          Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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                                          Thank you for your donation.

                                          God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

                                          Possible delay in receiving your gift
                                          It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


                                          Disaster Relief Fund

                                          Your gifts are vital to a quick response after natural disasters.

                                          Disasters Strike Without Warning

                                          Ethnos Canada and our partners around the world are uniquely positioned to serve victims of natural disasters in remote, devastated places. God has a track record of using disaster relief efforts to open ministry doors for Ethnos Canada and our partners. Your gifts today will ensure that they are able to provide relief as soon as possible after these events take place.

                                          How You’ll Be Helping

                                          Gifts will help fulfill current relief needs and seed a fund for future disasters.

                                          Give {{amount}} to Disaster Relief Fund

                                            Disaster Relief Fund

                                            Your gifts are vital to a quick response after natural disasters. Disasters Strike Without Warning Ethnos Canada and our partners around the world are uniquely positioned to serve victims of natural disasters in remote, devastated places. God has a track record of using disaster relief efforts to open ministry doors for Ethnos Canada and our partners. Your gifts today will ensure that they are able to provide relief as soon as possible after these events take place. How You'll Be Helping Gifts will help fulfill current relief needs and seed a fund for future disasters.

                                            Add To Cart
                                            Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                                            * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

                                            You have not yet given a gift.

                                            Give a Gift
                                              Monthly giving option available in next step
                                              Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                                              * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
                                              Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
                                              Your gift will remain anonymous
                                              Review Your Gift

                                              Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
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                                              Thank you for your donation.

                                              God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

                                              Possible delay in receiving your gift
                                              It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.


                                              Indigenous Ministries

                                              Gifts of any size help ensure strong, effective support for missionaries bringing the gospel to Canada’s First Peoples.

                                              Give {{amount}} to Indigenous Ministries

                                                Indigenous Ministries

                                                Gifts of any size help ensure strong, effective support for missionaries bringing the gospel to Canada's First Peoples.

                                                Add To Cart
                                                Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                                                * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.

                                                You have not yet given a gift.

                                                Give a Gift
                                                  Monthly giving option available in next step
                                                  Gifts to Ethnos Canada qualify for an official receipt for income tax purposes.
                                                  * Gifts to students and those going on short-term trips do not qualify for a tax receipt.
                                                  Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Already have an account? Sign In.
                                                  Your gift will remain anonymous
                                                  Review Your Gift

                                                  Monthly donations will occur on the same day each month, corresponding to the day the arrangement is created.
                                                  back to cart

                                                  Thank you for your donation.

                                                  God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

                                                  Possible delay in receiving your gift
                                                  It can take up to 10 days for Ethnos Canada to receive gifts given through the website, as there is a 'pending' period for credit cards. Only after your gift is received at our bank do we credit donations to the designated ministry. It is possible that an online donation made near the end of the month will not be credited to the designated ministry until the following month.
