A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Bible Translation
The Broad Scope of Translating When you hear about a people group getting God’s Word in their own language for the first time, you may focus on the translation of the verses and chapters and books that make up the finalized translation. It’s easy to miss the broad scope of what must take place in…
Tangguat Gospel Response Just the Beginning
Now We’re Getting Somewhere The end of a Bible lesson series for the Tangguats is actually just the beginning of the work. Earlier this month, Inapang believers and the NTM missionaries assisting them finished months of teaching with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. The initial response of the Tangguats is encouraging, and the…
Tangguats respond to the Gospel
The initial response to Bible teaching among the Tangguat people is outstanding. The Bible teachers from the neighbouring Inapang people group, who have spent months teaching and even longer before that preparing, are in awe. “God has certainly prepared this place for Himself and His Word,” they told Tim Lanier, one of the NTM missionaries…