The Moi Church Begins
In 2000, some 58 years after NTM was born, the missionary team moved into the Moi area on the island of New Guinea. After six years of culture and language study, translation work and teaching, the Crocketts, Panambunans, Browns and Whatleys watched the Moi church bloom into existence. What started out as eight believers grew as more and more Moi understood “God’s talk.”
Bumani Understands the Truth
One of the Mois, Bumani, trusted Christ in June of 2008. He realized that he had been “living under the chin [authority] of Satan.” Now he was freed from that bondage.
As a young believer he was “growing like a weed” and learning and understanding more of the grace of God. He said, “Now my life is really a life of peace, because the Creator God has freely caused me to live well.”

Taking the Reins of Leadership
As a result of his understanding of the Scriptures, Bumani began to function as a leader in the Moi church. His servant’s attitude and ability to teach became evident to the Moi church. When the missionaries asked the church who they believed should be leaders, the overwhelming response was Bumani and two others.
Bumani said, “Since the Creator placed that job for me to do, it’s good. The Creator didn’t give us this job to live big over people. It’s good for us to put ourselves small under other people. Pray that we will have that humility.”
Pray for Bumani, Deoma, Tepaiye and their families as they lead the Moi church forward. To read more about the Moi church and its growth, subscribe to the NTM@work magazine.