How many people did you say?
6,823. According to, that’s the number of unreached people groups around the world. That’s more than 4.1 billion people! People among whom “there is no indigenous community of believing Christians able to engage this people group with church planting.” People groups who are less than 2 percent evangelical Christian.
Serving the Church…
How can such a comparatively small number impact so many? And what role can Ethnos play?
Part of the answer lies in not only training expatriate missionaries, but also equipping and working alongside national missionaries.
Jonathan and Ruth Hukkeri were sent to Ethnos’ training by their assembly, and are now returning to ministry in their home country. One thing they studied was worldview. The gospel message does not change. But people’s worldview, the way they interpret all of life, influences their understanding of the gospel.

“I wish others [in ministry] also got an opportunity to understand worldview… This worldview class, if they could take it, definitely would make a difference
Pray for Ethnos as we continue to train missionaries to reach, in the words of Ethnos’ founder Paul Fleming, “where no witness of the gospel has yet reached.”