Technology. Engineering. Solar panels. Water filtration units.
These terms are not usually associated with missionary work or mission organizations. Some of us may picture a missionary as someone who is involved solely in Bible translation or language learning and preaching in a remote village. Surely an engineer couldn’t be used for that kind of mission work, could he?
This is the story of how God did just that—how He assembled a team of engineers and tech guys to help get the gospel to remote locations.
Time is an unreplaceable resource for missionaries as they work to get the gospel to an unreached people group. Missionaries want to spend their time learning the language and teaching God’s Word. But the daily tasks of living take so much more time when living in a village hundreds of miles from the nearest store, gas station or electric pole.
Nearly 50 years ago, it was very difficult and costly for missionaries to live in these remote places. Women often spent hours every day boiling water so that it was safe to drink. Families had to rebuild when their village house burned down due to incorrect wiring or lightning strikes. Missionaries used kerosene lamps for light, which did not work well in the humidity. They had to use their gas boat engines connected to car alternators to charge the battery, which had just enough power for their communication radios and a tiny light.
God saw the challenges these missionaries had in daily living and ministry and the time and energy it was taking away from getting the gospel to people. He had plans to assemble all the parts at just the right time to help them—one person and electronic component at a time. He had plans to use technology to assist them in accomplishing their purpose, to save them time and to speed up the gospel’s entry into unreached areas.
T is for teaching.
E is for equipping.
C is for consulting.
H is for helping.

Nestled in the woods on the shores of Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri, there is a building that houses some intelligent minds, incredible engineering feats and humble hearts. That place is Offgrid Tech (OGT). It is part of the training that Ethnos provides to those who are being readied to go out into parts of the world where “normalcy” doesn’t include electricity, clean water or other aspects of what we consider a developed society.
Offgrid Tech exists to fulfill the Great Commission by training and equipping missionaries to manage the physical aspects of living in remote locations. They accomplish this by offering several levels of technical teaching, providing appropriate equipment and offering relevant consultation. Whether missionaries want to use solar power or need a water purification solution, Offgrid Tech can provide them with the technical help they need to have an effective ministry. And this isn’t only for Ethnos missionaries; OGT offers its expertise and equipment to all like-minded mission organizations.
The TECH part of their name is actually an acronym that captures the heart of their ministry. T is for teaching, E is for equipping, C is for consulting and H is for helping.
God began assembling the components for this ministry by calling a missionary kid named Tim, using a pile of wood and an ill-fated outhouse.
The History of Offgrid Tech
Tim See grew up in the country of Haiti where his parents worked with Unevangelized Fields Mission (now known as Crossworld). His father helped to start 37 churches in the mountains while helping missionaries with their construction projects. Tim remembers travelling when he was 13 years old, going with his father to help a missionary build a church. Because that missionary didn’t know how to build a church building, the wind had knocked down the walls and rafters soon after he had put them up. Tim helped as his dad took the rubble on the ground and created a church building that would stay standing even when earthquakes hit.
Later, that same missionary had a thriving ministry teaching children how to read so they could read the Bible to their families. The ministry had so many children that they needed a bigger outhouse. The missionary knew that he needed a strong concrete floor in his outhouse to protect against the termites, but he didn’t know how to build it. He ended up getting materials that did not work to reinforce the concrete in his outhouse floor.
Tim said, “This poor missionary was doing the best he could, but he was spending way too much money. And the Lord just said, ‘Tim, I want you to learn how to make an outhouse floor so that you can help other missionaries do it correctly.’” This was the Lord calling Tim as a teenager to help missionaries with the technical challenges they faced on the field.
When he returned to the USA, Tim chose to earn his architectural engineering degree because he would learn about 17 different fields of engineering including structural, mechanical, electrical and hydrological. His plan was to take what he had learned and help missionaries with technical aspects on the mission field.
The Lord brought Tim and his wife, Chris, together and gave them a heart to go to the mission field. Chris had grown up as a missionary kid in the country of Brazil. They entered then-NTM’s training and were on their way to Indonesia—or so they thought. The training centre asked Chris to stay and teach culture and language learning courses for missionaries because of her linguistics training and experience on the mission field. Once leaders saw Tim’s knowledge and experience in all those engineering fields, they asked him to come on staff and lead the construction and maintenance department for the training centre.
Part of Tim’s role at the training centre was leading the work detail program. In his role he interfaced with all the men in training. Once they arrived on the mission field, these missionaries had many technical questions. Missionaries from many different countries wrote letters to Tim because they knew that he knew a lot about engineering and about the mission field. Tim took time in the evening, after a full day of overseeing work teams, to find answers for missionaries’ questions and then write them explanations of what to do.

In 1976, when solar panels were still in the very early stages of use, some missionaries took them to the field and then reported that they did not work. Tim started doing research and learned there was only one solar panel that would work in the heat of the tropics. He bought two tiny solar panels to test how much sun they needed, how to place them and what batteries would work with them. There were no instruction manuals explaining how to set up a solar electric system.
In his research, Tim wrote to NASA and said, “I’m trying to help missionaries with solar panels. Could you please send me information for using solar panels on planet Earth?” They wrote back and said, “No, I’m sorry, we can’t help you because we don’t use solar panels on Earth. The only place we use solar panels is in outer space on our satellites. If you find out how to use them on Earth, you let us know so that we’ll both know.”
So, Tim saved up his money and started testing panels, batteries and charge controllers to find out which ones truly did work together for missionaries. He also recreated the hot and humid conditions experienced on the mission field to see which equipment would hold up. He did not want missionaries wasting time and money to ship equipment to the other side of the world only for it not to work.
After his testing, he was able to recommend a particular set of solar electric system equipment that would work for missionaries. He also explained to missionaries how to care for their systems so that they would continue to work and provide electricity. This was the beginning of many years of research and development so that Tim and the team at OGT could recommend the best equipment for missionaries on the field.
Sometimes Tim would invent equipment or parts to meet a particular challenge that missionaries had when that equipment or part was not yet on the market. They started making simple fuse blocks for solar electric systems after 18 missionaries’ houses mysteriously caught fire. The OGT staff suspected that rats had chewed through their wires. Today fuses or special breakers are built into every system.
Other times God connected Tim with manufacturers who listened when he explained the challenges missionaries had when using the manufacturers’ product on the field. They then adapted their product to overcome common challenges like insects and snakes getting in, ants eating the copper out of the wires or the lack of sunlight during monsoon season.
The Book
Eventually one missionary wrote, “Why don’t you just write down all of your best ideas, and then I won’t have to keep asking these questions because I don’t know what questions to ask anyway.”
In his spare time in the evenings, Tim started writing down his ideas in a book especially for missionaries. He began by looking through his binders containing hundreds of letters to find the most common questions missionaries had asked him. He explained technical concepts in simple ways that would help missionaries use the information to help with daily living in remote locations. The goal was to have a simple manual that missionaries could use to find the answers to their questions on 32 different technical topics.
Once Tim finished Tech Tips for Living in Remote Locations in 1990, he offered to teach its concepts to missionary candidates at the training centre as an elective course. As the students who took the course arrived on the mission field, field leaders discovered that those missionaries could install the equipment they needed in their remote locations and learn the language two years faster than those who did not have that course.

Soon after that, they asked that all missionary candidates take the Missionary Technology course as part of their training. Tim and Chris even travelled to the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada to train instructors to teach the course to missionary candidates there. Later they added a one-semester Tech Specialist course for individuals interested in supporting overseas operations within an entire field or, at the very least, among their team. They have since begun offering Summer Solar Electric Systems, a one-week seminar to help better equip missionaries in planning and selecting equipment, setting up water and solar equipment and maintaining a solar electric system. Attendees learn about PV panels, solar electric batteries, charge controllers, inverters, fuse and breaker boxes, grounding, surge protection and basic household wiring. The seminar also covers the most efficient types of lighting, fans, kitchen appliances and pumps for use on these systems.
“Sometimes Tim would invent equipment or parts to meet a particular challenge that missionaries had …”
If Tim and Chris had gone to Indonesia as they had planned, they would have been helpful to the missionaries in that country, but the ministry of Offgrid Tech would not have been born. By keeping them in the USA, God multiplied their influence in speeding up the advance of the gospel as they’ve helped thousands of missionaries across the globe. Over and over God assembled and fit the components in place at the perfect time to help missionaries through technology challenges. Today the team of OGT continues to help missionaries save time and materials, as well as preserve their health and safety, as they work to bring the gospel to those in remote or isolated contexts.

The Philosophy of Offgrid Tech
Purpose driven. Technology assisted.
It’s not about incredible technology or the unique tools available. It’s not about geographic locations or complex cultural paradigms. It’s not even about a specific language or group of people. It’s about the only purpose worth investing our very lives for: seeing the hope of the gospel extended to those in remote or isolated contexts.
So why do missionaries use technology, and why does OGT train, equip and support missionaries? The answer that drives OGT is that time is a non-replaceable resource.
True Stories
Brian Holmquist Versus Lightning
Because so many missionaries were experiencing problems with lightning, Tim did research to find ways to help protect their equipment and houses.
Lightning doesn’t have to strike something directly to cause considerable damage. Even nearby lightning sent high-voltage spikes through the missionaries’ laptops, solar electric systems and house wiring and often caused fires or destroyed the equipment. Tim designed a lightning protector into which missionaries could plug their equipment.
After much trial and a “chance” conversation with an electronic engineer, Tim’s design was completed, but he didn’t have any way to make a several-million-volt lightning strike to test that it actually worked. One day, Tim hooked up his protector to his personal computer, and God provided a horrendous storm complete with a direct lightning strike to the power line and into the wires running to his house. His mother had been editing the Tech Tips book on his computer and said that eight inches of fire shot out of the outlet where the computer was plugged in. Despite this, Tim’s lightning protector worked, and his computer with Tech Tips was saved. God tested out his protector so that Tim could confidently manufacture many more and send them to the field.
In the Missionary Technology course, the instructors at OGT teach missionaries how to discharge the clouds before lightning strikes using tools like lightning rods and ground fields. More recently the OGT team designed a “lightning brush” to help in places where lightning strikes frequently and closely, like Brian Holmquist’s house in Papua New Guinea which was close to the equator where the lightning strikes are more intense. The lightning brush they designed was a thick copper cable with its 10,000 tiny wires fanned out to make a brush to deionize the clouds and protect everything mounted underneath it.
However, because the lightning by Brian’s house was so close and so frequent, it melted the ends of most of those wires into thousands of tiny glass-like beads. The team needed to find a different solution for Brian, so they looked for stainless-steel wire that would hold up. They couldn’t find any that was the right size until Tim was talking with his Christian dentist one day and found that he “just happened” to have the exact kind needed as he used it to make dentures. They mixed the stainless-steel wire with the copper, and the specially designed lightning brush held up under extreme conditions.
Linda Krieg, a Pioneer in Solar Electric
In 1986, Linda Krieg moved to Papua New Guinea (PNG) to serve in a remote village. Linda was a widow who joined a team working with the Siawi people. During her 27 years on the field, she served as the team linguist and taught the Bible and literacy to the Siawi people. In her later years there, she completed the Siawi translation of the New Testament with some Old Testament portions. She also served as a linguistics consultant and translation consultant for other missionaries in PNG.
Linda was one of the first missionaries on the field at the time to use solar electric panels. Because it was new technology that few others were using, Linda needed to understand how it worked. Naturally, she had a lot of questions. She was so grateful for Tim See’s answers to those questions through the years, as he helped her to set up, maintain and troubleshoot her system.
Linda went through the missions training in Missouri before they taught the Missionary Technology class to all missionary students and before Tim wrote Tech Tips. While she was there, she got information from Tim on what equipment to buy and how to set it up in the village. Linda wouldn’t describe herself as a “mechanical person,” but she felt confident that she could use solar electric panels because she could have Tim talk her through any problems that came up.
Linda was also one of the first missionaries to use both a solar-powered refrigerator and a solar-powered chest freezer. Most missionaries at the time used kerosene-powered refrigerators, which had many problems. The cost of shipping kerosene and the danger of an open flame in a house with a grass roof were serious issues with these refrigerators. After Linda’s kerosene refrigerator died, she heard Tim talk about the solar-powered chest freezer and decided to get one, as well as the solar-powered refrigerator. Tim purchased the same solar-powered refrigerator and ran it on his test system in Missouri so that he could answer her questions. Linda was so grateful for her solar-powered refrigerator and freezer that were so much easier to maintain, allowed her to keep food when she was away, and even made it possible to have ice in the jungle.
Whenever Linda came to the USA on home assignment, she would learn about the newest technology from Tim and purchase what she needed to take back. Whenever Tim taught the Missionary Technology course to the missionaries in training, he would tell the men and women in the class, “If a single woman like Linda Krieg can do this, then you can do this too.”
In some of her later years when she was completing the Scripture translation, Linda lived in the village alone, without any Western co-workers. During this time, she taught some of her Siawi friends how to help her maintain her solar electric system. Linda says, “My solar [electric] system was what allowed me to be in there by myself. And the Siawis and I could take care of it. I had all that set up because Tim [helped] me.”
One of the basic things that OGT teaches is that missionaries should not use a particular technology if it doesn’t save them time to focus on their ministry. Years ago, Tim saw missionaries take too many solar panels to the field, and they ended up wasting their time with extra equipment that they didn’t need or that wouldn’t work well. That is one reason that OGT does extensive research and development—to save missionaries time and money by pointing them to the equipment that will work in their environment.
“God multiplied their influence in speeding up the advance of the gospel as they’ve helped thousands of missionaries across the globe.”
Today when the staff of OGT gives missionaries help and advice about how to design their solar electric systems, they encourage them not to go larger than a certain size. The point is that it’s not about trying to recreate all the comforts of home in the jungle—it’s about saving time and energy to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In Conclusion…
Much of the above article was written by Tamara See. I then went myself to interview the staff of OGT. To say that I was overwhelmed by what I saw and heard would be an understatement. The care, the concern for safety, the desire to be a blessing—the team at OGT is an incredible display of God’s grace and love.
While at OGT, I asked them what items were most asked for by missionaries. The answer? Water filters and complete solar electrical systems, of course. But just as needed are the advice and help that the missionaries ask for to diagnose problems or to choose replacement parts.
Since they work with humans, their biggest challenge is…communication! Another challenge is the constantly changing cultural landscape in the countries where missionaries serve. As electricity and roads move deeper interior and technology is more available, this affects the dynamics of living. On the other hand, the biggest blessing for OGT team members was being a part of the success of missionaries’ ministries. They felt blessed to be able to help provide missionaries with the energy needed to keep them ministering in their respective isolated villages and hamlets.
I ask that you bring the team from OGT before the God of all mercy that He would continue to endow them with the wisdom they need, the creativity to work through challenges and eyes to see the best path forward.
Offgrid Tech Personnel
Benjamin Baum
Research and Development Engineer
Brian Hofer
Purchasing & Manufacturing Coordinator
Ray Milton
Manufacturing / Production Manager
Ernest M. Jones
Lead Instructor
Tina Jones
Part Time Assistant
Randy Damschen
Retired Volunteer/Consultant

About the Authors
Contributing Writer
Tamara See grew up at the Ethnos360 Training Center in Missouri watching her parents, Tim and Chris See, faithfully serve missionary candidates through hospitality, teaching and the ministry of Offgrid Tech. She served the people of Southeast Asia for 18 years and is currently serving at the Ethnos360 Home Office in Sanford, Florida. She is grateful for her sending church, Riverview Baptist Church of Osage Beach, Missouri, who have been a key part of her ministry since the beginning.
Managing Editor
Bruce Enemark was raised in Panama, the youngest of three missionary kids (MKs). He and Julie, his wife, ministered with Ethnos360 in Panama and Paraguay for 24 years before he joined Ethnos360’s Advancement Team as a writer, proofreader and now managing editor. Faith Baptist Church of Chetek, Wisconsin, is their sending church and has been behind the Enemarks since they started their ministry with Ethnos360.