
SUV wheel with a dirt road


Over 6,000 people groups are still unreached.

Ethnos Canada plants thriving churches among these unreached people groups.

Long Term Missions

Career Missions

Ready for full time? Take the next step.

You can help unreached people have the opportunity to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour. That opportunity is still out of reach for many people around the world. If you’re willing to make a long-term commitment to change that, we’re here to help you.

Mid Term Missions

Skilled Associates

Put your experience on the team.

There’s likely to be a place for your experience on the church-planting team, helping missionaries serving in remote villages who rely on dedicated missionaries who support their work.

Associates serve for six months to four years. Looking for something longer?

Short and Mid Term Missions

Mission Trips

Be a blessing, and be blessed as you go

Whether your trip is to somewhere in Canada, USA, Latin America or South East Asia, you will see God’s heart for the nations and how you could get involved.

We offer trips in a range of lengths from a few hours to a few months.

Mid Term Missions

Teach Abroad

Use your skills to impact the world

You already know that teaching overseas will enrich your life and your career. Teaching the children of missionaries is even better.

Many missionaries’ children become missionaries, pastors or church leaders. So when you teach, you are nurturing and developing tomorrow’s spiritual leaders.

Other Opportunities

Ready to use your professional skills to make a difference?


Help free career missionaries for other roles and expand the reach of the gospel to unreached people as a volunteer in Canada. Your work in Canada will benefit Ethnos’ church-planting efforts worldwide.

Andrew and Cathy standing in front of a Kodiak plane

Missionary Aviation

Pilots, pilot/mechanics, maintenance specialists, avionics technicians, and other professionals can help provide a choice for those without access to the gospel. Ethnos360 Aviation uses aviation to assist missionary teams to see a thriving church for every people.

Available Positions

Explore all available roles. All positions in Ethnos except church-planting roles are available to associates.

Becoming a Missionary

With more than 6,000 people groups still unreached, the task is bigger than just us. God is calling out workers from the ethnos to go.

Our role in mobilizing, equipping and coordinating missionaries extends beyond our own culture. From all around to the world, God is calling out workers to be a part of reaching the ethnos!

Thousands of believers from more than three dozen countries are actively working together in Africa, Latin America, Northern Canada and the Asia-Pacific Region.

Are you ready to join?

Why Choose Ethnos?


Most missionaries serve through sending organizations. How can you and your church choose the one that’s right for you? Find some of the reasons you might choose Ethnos.

Positions Available

Explore all available positions in Ethnos

Athletic Trainer

Location: Faith Academy, Manila

Purpose: The purpose of the school is to equip students for life through academic excellence and the development of Christian faith and character; enabling them to live out that truth in every area of their lives. The purpose of Ethnos360 is to assist the local church in planting churches among least reached people groups


  • Work with Health Office, Training Coach and Athletic Dept. to perform assessment, treatment (including first aide), reconditioning and prevention of athletic injuries as set forth by the NATA Board of certification
  • Perform taping, strapping, bracing and fitting of athletic equipment
  • Carry out all prescribed treatments and recommendations of local physicians
  • Cover assigned sports games or matches, and related events
  • Act as liaison between athletes, parents, coaches, nurses and Athletic Director
  • Maintain accurate record of injuries, treatments and reconditioning of athletic injuries
  • Develop and maintain a budget for the athletic training program
  • Assist the Athletic Director as requested
  • Work with coaches, Training Coach and Athletic Director to create pre-season conditioning routines for each sport
  • Work hours will start around noon and extend into the evening hours most days of the week and include all day most Saturdays during athletic seasons
  • as requested by supervisor


  • Other Requirements
    Have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in health related field with a current NATA certification, Remain current in CPR and AED certification, Preferably have one or two years experience in athletic training setting, Be comfortable working with children and young people, Possess history-taking and assessment skills, Be able to work cooperatively with principals, teacher, nurses, training coach and counselors, Be able to communicate with parents and dorm parents concerning their student’s health issues, Have basic computer skills, Be able to assist with or transfer athletes of various weight/heights, Be able to push carts with athletic equipment on them, Be able to stand for long periods of time, have good mobility skills and be able to walk long distances, Demonstrate ability to communicate to give adequate directions and instructions to subordinates, Be able to carry training kit and coolers for long distance

Theater Technical Director

Location: Faith Academy, Manila

Purpose: The purpose of the school is to equip students for life through academic excellence and the development of Christian faith and character; enabling them to live out that truth in every area of their lives. The purpose of Ethnos360 is to assist the local church in planting churches among least reached people groups.

Responsibilities: A theater technical director coordinates all technical aspects of a theatrical production.


The Technical Director (TD) works with the Production Director (PD) and may do any or all of the following:

  • Operates and safeguards the technical assets of the theater, including supervising the use of lighting, sound, communications equipment, and the appropriate use and maintenance of stage facilities.
  • In conjunction with the PD, determine the necessary technical support, such as lighting, sound, staging, and special needs necessary.
  • Supervises and assists, as needed, with set and stage construction and management, therefore should have a knowledge of tools and equipment needed. (trouble-shooting)
  • Assist in mobilizing, training and assignment of volunteer technical staff/students for individual shows, including orienting them on safety, technical characteristics and other areas of facility operations.
  • Monitors the condition of equipment including lighting, sound, and tools; notifies Cadd Manager to arrange for the repair and replacement within budgetary constraints. 
  • Monitors Tech Week rehearsals, in order to supervise and assist in the technical aspects of the mounting of the show.
  • Organizes and oversees production strike at close of the run of the show.


  • Other Requirements
    Technical directors must have a thorough understanding of all aspects involved in technical theater, including construction, lighting equipment, rigging and sound. People and time management skills are a must, as are a focus on safety. A technical director must be able to work safely around power tools, on ladders and lifts, and around electricity. A TD may work nights and weekends to find time around regular school day activities.

ELL Coordinator/Tester

Location: Faith Academy, Manila

Purpose: The purpose of the school is to equip students for life through academic excellence and the development of Christian faith and character; enabling them to live out that truth in every area of their lives. The purpose of Ethnos360 is to assist the local church in planting churches among least reached people groups


  • Work professionally to stay abreast of current philosophy and methods of language acquisition and instruction.
  • Develop adequate entrance procedures in tandem with the FA Registrar for ELLs and their parents. Work with Central Office reception staff who will dispatch the necessary forms to all ELL parents.
  • Work with principals and ELL staff across divisions to implement the WIDA assessments for the purpose of discerning entrance/exit decisions for students and suitable instructional materials for ELLs.
  • Communicate with prospective ELLs and their families. Interview parents and assess suitable grade level for students to be tested in.
  • Supervise the testing coordinator in their work to coordinate scheduling, testing, and scoring of ELL entrance tests.
  • Work with the administration, ELL teachers, and classroom teachers to form and implement strategies for supporting ELLs.
  • Support divisions in providing professional development for teaching staff.
  • Share information about WIDA and its Can Do Descriptors and practical ways for integrating ELL support into all classes.
  • Observe instruction and provide feedback with regards to addressing the needs of ELLs. 
  • Oversee collection and collation of data on each ELL to track their progress. 
  • Communicate with teachers and parents regarding any ELL concerns.
  • Work with ELL aides to train them in classroom responsibilities and expectations.
  • Complete duties as requested by the supervisor.
  • Lead regular ELL team meetings for all ELL teachers across divisions to give ideas, training, and encouragement, and to provide a forum for discussing issues and answering questions


  • Other Requirements
    Bachelor's degree, Training in Second Language Acquisition, Certified Teacher, Computer Skills, People skills – Need to be able to coordinate and communicate with many different people

Have Questions?

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