Mission Trips

Mission Trips

Come face to face with realities unknown to most people. See firsthand what it takes to plant a church among those who have no concept of the God of the Bible.

Service Trips

Use your skills to accelerate the spread of the gospel among unreached people groups. Put your experience on the team.

Vision Trips

When you visit a church planting team, not only will your view of the world be broadened, but God will use you to encourage His workers.

Mission Trips

Connect the dots between God’s plan for this world and His purpose for your life. Return home with a deeper understanding of how God wants to use your unique wiring to establish thriving churches among unreached peoples.

Visit Our Campus

On your personal tour of the Ethnos Canada campus, you will meet missionaries with field-experience, learn about training for cross-cultural church planting, and get a glimpse of what God is doing among unreached people groups.

Culture Encounter

Do your youth long for clarity about God’s plans for their lives?

Duration: 4 Hours

Bring your youth and help them connect the dots between God’s plan for this world and His purpose for their lives. After hearing from dynamic speakers with invaluable experience in cross-cultural missions, your youth will leave with a deeper understanding of God’s heart beat for the nations, and how God wants to use their unique wirings. They will leave having a better idea of how God wants to give them meaning and significance in this hurting and needy world.

rikapuna attendees


Grow in your understanding of God’s work and His passion to see the unreached know Him. 

Duration: 3 Days

Experience informative teaching sessions, interactive tribal village simulation, bonfires, great food, and time spent with others in our beautiful rustic setting. Our teaching sessions start with His plan and how that has looked throughout history. Is God working today? Are there people groups who haven’t heard the Good News? We’ll discuss all this and how Ethnos fits into the big picture of missions.

Off The Grid

Find your place in God’s plan for the ages

Duration: 1 or 3 Days

Off The Grid is a unique and rustic weekend retreat with an emphasis on God’s work in our world. Your thinking will be stretched and your worldview challenged as we discuss God’s plan for the ages and as we join together and head off the grid!

men milling wood with an Alaska saw-mill (with a chainsaw)


Your adventure in cross-cultural missions… in Pennsylvania

Duration: 1-5 Days

No matter what your age, spend a few days on our 100-acre campus in scenic Pennsylvania exploring what the Bible says about reaching all peoples, experiencing what it’s like to learn an unwritten language, and connecting with veteran church planters. See what it takes to make disciples of every people group when you go on a Wayumi adventure.


Learn, Serve and Experience ministry among the unreached people groups

Duration: 2 Weeks

Through this two-week trip, you will explore long-term missionary work and consider your future involvement. You will visit an indigenous people group, hear from missionaries on the field and see what it takes to bring the gospel to the very ends of the earth.


A college-level missions course across the globe

Duration: 5-6 Weeks

See firsthand what it takes to plant a church among people who have no concept of the God of the Bible on an Interface trip. In this college-level missions course, you’ll learn from missionaries in Eastern Brazil or Papua New Guinea and spend time in front-line ministry contexts.

Field Support Internships

Work alongside full-time missionaries

Duration: 2-3 Weeks

After your Interface experience, stay in Papua New Guinea working with career missionaries in an Interface internship that offers a closer look at church planting or one of six key support ministries.

Church Planting Internships

Up close and personal with Church planting

Duration: 15 Weeks

In a semester in Papua New Guinea, experienced church planters will give you insights on the culture and language of indigenous people, translating the Bible, preaching the gospel, and establishing indigenous churches on your church planting internship.

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