David & Laurel Stobbe

Stobbe family

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    David & Laurel Stobbe

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      Connect with David & Laurel Stobbe

      Papua New Guinea
      Serving through Missionary Aviation

      We are the Stobbe Crew — David & Laurel, and our wonderful kiddos: Stephen, Timothy, and Talia.

      Growing up close to Edmonton, Alberta, David has always loved airplanes. He started working towards his private pilot’s license immediately after high school; going on to earn a degree in mission aviation from Prairie Bible College. 

      After getting married in 2016, we moved up to Thompson in northern Manitoba. With mission aviation in the future, David needed to get some flight experience under his belt. Daily flights for a small airline, flying in and out of remote, fly-in-only indigenous communities transporting passengers, groceries, and cargo became the norm.

      Our off days were spent exploring the lakes and woods in God’s beautiful northern wilderness! We loved foraging for wild food, camping and canoeing together as a family.

      Qualifications for mission aviation in the logbook, we began training with both Ethnos Canada, in Durham Ontario, and Ethnos360 Aviation, in McNeal Arizona. Two years of excellent preparation behind us we are now preparing to move our little family to Papua New Guinea in July of 2024!

      As a family, we are eagerly looking forward to being a part of the Ethnos360 Aviation team that uses aircraft to support church planters in Papua New Guinea. 

      Papua New Guinea is a very mountainous country. Its foreboding landscape means that over 75% of the indigenous churches that Ethnos is planting in the country are only accessible by air. Without Ethnos360 Aviation, church-planting teams would not be able to live and work with the ethnic groups who live in these extremely remote regions. There are people groups still waiting to hear the gospel for the first time, and we are thrilled to be part of the team that is being Christ’s witnesses “to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

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