Garry and Cynthia currently serve at Moody Aviation, investing in the next generation of missionary pilots and mechanics and their families. They are passionate about the Gospel and seeing thriving churches planted all over the world. Garry and Cynthia love the way that the Gospel transforms not only lives but also communities and have been privileged to watch this process take place all over the world. Mission aviation has given them a front row seat to watch God work as they have served missionaries and local churches. Garry and Cynthia were married in Venezuela during Garry’s first term as a missionary pilot/mechanic and have two adult sons, Kevin and Kaleb. Over the last 25+ years they’ve served in Venezuela, Panama, Paraguay, the Philippines, and Ethnos 360 Aviation headquarters. Garry and Cynthia are privileged to pass on what they’ve learned to those they interact with at Moody Aviation.
Garry & Cynthia Barkman