Tim grew up in a missionary home. His father (quoting Cameron Townsend) said to him when he was a youth, “Tim, if God calls you to be a missionary, don’t stoop to be a king.” That saying stuck with Tim and when he left home he went to Bible College which then led him to be a missionary. He met Robin at Bible college. Robin grew up hungering for something deeper than the frills of a southern California lifestyle. They married and went to Latin America to reach people with the gospel, who otherwise had no access to it.
Tim did well in language learning and so they were sent to work with the P1 tribe who had a difficult language. Upon learning the language, Tim and Robin learned that the P1 people were not clear on the gospel. So beginning in Genesis Tim together with his co-workers began laying foundations for the gospel. They taught the word, three hours per day six days per week. When the people finally heard Jesus’ words, “it is finished”, they were filled with joy because they were believing that what they heard was true. The gospel totally revolutionized their lives.
As the P1 people had an insatiable hunger to learn more and more of God, it became clear that they required a highly accurate translation of the NT. Tim then, together with a team of P1 bilinguals began in 1994 to translate the New Testament. This took 27 years. In 2021 the New Testament was finished and the Lord provided miraculously to print and deliever into the country 35,000 New Testaments with Old Testament portions to get a Bible in the hands of every P1 person 12 years or older.
The Lord also provided a radio broadcast, 30 minutes per day where Tim teaches verse by verse through the New Testament in the P1 language. Thousands of P1 people listen daily to the radio Bible program in their own language. The Lord is bringing in a great harvest among these hungry and precious people. Tim continues to work on radio programs and is able to attend annual Bible conferences with them. Through technology, Tim is able to also attend conferences virtually through a Starlink internet connection in their jungle villages. He also maintains regular contact through WhatsApp messaging.