Praising God for Protection and Healing

Brant and Lanie

On Sunday, June 30, Brandt and his four year old son, Boaz, were taking a ride on the 4-wheeler. As Brandt attempted to drive up a muddy embankment the 4-wheeler rolled backwards, falling on top of Brandt and Boaz. Brandt took the full impact of the 4-wheeler with the handlebar to the face in the visor gap of his helmet (eyes/nose area).

Brandt and his wife, Lanie, and their three little children are working among the Inuit in Arctic Canada. They are trained and supported by Ethnos Canada. Read their bio.

Two months after the accident, Brandt is doing incredibly well.

Brandt was medevaced to Ottawa that very night. Lanie was able to join him on the flight. He sustained severe facial fractures, a broken wrist, and broken ribs. Brandt remained heavily sedated and intubated for about a week following the medical evacuation. He was extubated and woken up prior to his surgeries. The days leading up to the surgery and following were quite difficult but the LORD has and continues to sustain Brandt and Lanie. Brandt underwent two surgeries the first of which was a full facial reconstruction, the most complex part being a bone graft from his rib to create a new bridge of his nose. This surgery lasted about 10.5 hours. A few days later he had a second surgery lasting 5 hours to repair his left wrist. After spending 20 days in the hospital he was discharged. Following Brandt’s discharge from the hospital, Brandt and Lanie travelled to the Ethnos in Durham where they have family and support nearby as they recover and await the arrival of their 4th child.

Brandt after being medevaced to Ottawa

We are praising the LORD for many things. Boaz walked away from the accident without one scratch. Brandt stayed on the 4-wheeler to protect Boaz. Doctors in the Emergency Room gave life-saving credit to the helmets they were both wearing. Lanie gave glory and credit to the LORD! We are thanking the LORD for the comfort he has provided through His Word on some very difficult days. We are thanking God for the body of Christ and how so many of you have supported the Whatleys through prayer, encouragement, meals, and finances. We are thankful for the medical care Brandt received.

We continue to trust that God can and will use this accident for good and His glory. Please continue to pray for the Whatleys as they rest, recover, and welcome the newest Wee Whatley into the world. Please continue to pray for Brandt’s recovery and full restoration of his eyesight. Pray for the Wee Whatleys as they adjust to this new season of life. Please pray for encouragement and endurance for Lanie as she cares for her family and while also needing to stay on bed-rest.

Thank you for praying for Brandt and Lanie!

[reposted from an update the team up north put out]

Read more about Ethnos’ work in the North: