A small gift multiplied by many
will go a long way.
Training is a biblical answer too — an illustration that we’re all part of the body of Christ, working together for God’s glory.

National Missionary Training
Our 80-year track record is attracting national church leaders in other countries who are asking us for help. They already know the language and culture of their own people and although they often face many hardships for the sake of the gospel, they can’t be removed from their own countries… but they need us to train them to effectively disciple and plant churches.
Your help in providing proper training enables these Christian servants to disciple and pastor groups of believers within and outside of their borders. Their deep faith and commitment, coupled with their new knowledge and skill set, allows them to lead a young church to become self-sustained.
New curriculum and training programs are being developed to train people in their own regions. With your partnership, skilled trainers, experienced missionaries and local leaders will work together to determine what will be taught and both where and how.
Let us join together, as the Church to support the Church where they are asking for our help. We can’t wait to see how God works through us.