

  • Bible Translation Makes People Want to Read

    Writing It Down in Budik It took a while for Eme to warm up to helping Kathy Satorius translate the New Testament into her language, Budik. “At first it was really hard,” she said. “I didn’t even like it. I didn’t think I could do it. But after a while I felt like I was…

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  • Excellence Takes Time

    How long does it really take to plant a church, translate a Bible or train a missionary?The answers can vary. But it’s difficult to believe that it can take less time in a cross-cultural ministry than it does right here in North America. Consider this … North American church planters estimate it takes two years of…

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  • Missionary Training Equipped African Couple

    They Don’t See It That Way “The people we are trying to reach have a worldview, and as long as we don’t understand this worldview it will be hard to reach these people,” Jean said. “We need to … be able to teach in such a way as to challenge their worldview.” Teaching So People…

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  • ‘No Church Without a Bible Translation’

    Light, Life and Fellowship It’s an understatement to say that Jill Goring, NTM’s international translation consultant coordinator, thinks Bible translation is important. “Without God’s Word,” she said, “there is no truth, no light, no life, no fellowship — no knowledge of God! Without God’s Word — believers have nothing to eat, teachers have nothing to…

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  • A Global Team

    From their home in Indiana, John and Margaret Martin are invested in the Laniers’ ministry through prayer, giving, and offering to help in practical way with their God-given abilities.

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  • Use Your IT Skills in Missions

    What do computers have to do with missions? EVERYTHING!

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  • Teamwork with Nationals for the Hard Work Ahead

    Success Accelerates Tremendous progress has been made in reaching the world’s people groups with the gospel. Just 40 years ago most experts agreed that about half the world was unreached. Today, it’s down to one-third — meaning that God’s people have made as much progress in the last 40 years as we made in the…

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  • A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Bible Translation

    The Broad Scope of Translating When you hear about a people group getting God’s Word in their own language for the first time, you may focus on the translation of the verses and chapters and books that make up the finalized translation. It’s easy to miss the broad scope of what must take place in…

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  • Tangguat Gospel Response Just the Beginning

    Now We’re Getting Somewhere The end of a Bible lesson series for the Tangguats is actually just the beginning of the work. Earlier this month, Inapang believers and the NTM missionaries assisting them finished months of teaching with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. The initial response of the Tangguats is encouraging, and the…

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