Now We’re Getting Somewhere
The end of a Bible lesson series for the Tangguats is actually just the beginning of the work.
Earlier this month, Inapang believers and the NTM missionaries assisting them finished months of teaching with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. The initial response of the Tangguats is encouraging, and the very first sentence of this paragraph hints at why we say this is just the beginning.
A Lot of Preparation
The teaching itself was the culmination of years of learning the culture and language of the Tangguats well enough to clearly present the gospel in their language.
The preparation time also included devising a way to write the Tangguat language, and teaching Tangguats to read and write it, so they would be able to read and study God’s Word, and take notes on lessons. And of course, Bible passages relevant to the teaching needed to be translated, beginning with Genesis and Exodus.
Then the lessons themselves could be prepared, working from the unchanging Scripture but including illustrations relevant to the Tangguats.

Beginning at the Beginning
Lessons began in April, and as Tim and Tiffany Lanier put it, “This is not just a Bible class, but it is a journey through the Bible with the intention to use God’s Word to dislodge the old animistic beliefs … and replace it with a biblical understanding. … This is something only the power of the Holy Spirit can accomplish.”
Now lessons have been presented from Creation to Christ’s resurrection, culminating in the gospel message. We would never want to downplay the importance of people responding to the gospel, but that is not the end. The end goal is to make disciples — to establish a church, a maturing body of growing believers.
A body of believers like the Inapang church, who gladly and faithfully labour to pass on the gift they have been given.
Pray for Tim and Tiffany and the Inapang believers as they spend time with those who heard the teaching. They’re trying to fill in any gaps, clear up any confusion and find out where each of the Tangguat listeners are. Pray that the Tangguats not only place their faith in Christ, but embark on a lifelong relationship with Him.
Please continue to pray. This is the Holy Spirit’s work, and you are as much co-workers in this endeavour as the Laniers and the Inapangs.