Success Accelerates
Tremendous progress has been made in reaching the world’s people groups with the gospel. Just 40 years ago most experts agreed that about half the world was unreached. Today, it’s down to one-third — meaning that God’s people have made as much progress in the last 40 years as we made in the previous 600-plus years.
Still a Long Way to Go
But the road ahead is rough. “Unreached peoples are unreached for a reason,” David Platt, president of the IMB, has said. “They’re hard, difficult, and dangerous to reach. All the easy ones are taken.”
That’s why we need to stay focused on doing God’s work God’s way. God calls us to work together for His glory. And partnering with believers and organizations based in South Asia can open new opportunities for organizations like New Tribes Mission.
Unreached peoples are unreached for a reason. They’re hard, difficult, and dangerous to reach. All the easy ones are taken.

It’s a Start
We have as much to learn from our brothers and sisters as they have to learn from us. Most of all, we have to learn how to work together effectively, and how to adapt what NTM has learned in other places, to the cultures, languages and other barriers they face in South Asia.
Will you please pray for humble, learning hearts for everyone involved? Pray that cultural differences between students and trainers will come to light so they can be understood and resolved. Pray that the funds come in for this pilot program to train national missionaries.