A Disturbing Trance Entering into a deep trance, Shaman Tae attempted to heal the sick woman, but instead she watched…
How Many More Will Die Without Hope?
Nagging Questions “I thought he was dead. The form lying in the shade next to the round house … was…
Jésus est le seul moyen d’être sauvé
Priez pour les croyants amdus afin qu’ils demeurent affamés pour la Parole de Dieu
Priez pour les combats spirituels et physiques des missionnaires
Priez pour les Lenz en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée.
Global Diversity — Spiritual Unity
In 1996, Debbie and I took our four children to Papua New Guinea to join the work there. I was…
Ethnos360 Bible Institute Online
EBI Online We wanted to make you aware of a recent development for Ethnos360 Bible Institute (EBI). We would like…
What Makes Us Who We Are?
One thing that we can be sure of is change. We live in a changing world — culture changes, fads…
The Changing Context of the Unreached
What picture comes to mind when you hear the word missions? For many, the picture would involve Western missionaries residing…
Two Realities: Opposition and the Power of God’s Word
“It’s hard to be a Christian in Masa. We live among people who are not interested in Jesus, who make…
Mission Multi-Tool
“All right, brothers. This is your new tool. Make the best use of it!” Pilot Jeremiah Diedrich had just flown four…
Five Reasons to Teach Foundationally
When sharing Christ with a lost world, we must remember that no one is a blank page – everyone has…
Who Are the Unreached of the World?
Why do Ethnos missionaries go to specific people groups to tell them about the God of the Bible and yet…