

Ethnos Magazine

Stay connected with cross-cultural missions

Read what God is doing right now in global missions. Hear from missionaries serving in Africa, Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific region.


Hear from missionaries serving in Africa, Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific region.

  • They Were There
    Some of the first Christian missionaries who ventured out to tell the good news of the gospel were the disciples, sent by Jesus Himself. “Freely you have received, freely give,” He told them. Two by two He sent them out, as we read in Matthew 10, with just the clothes on their backs and no food or money. The implication here is that the disciples were to rely on others to support them, “for a worker is worthy of his […]
  • Divine Assembly for God’s Glory
    Technology. Engineering. Solar panels. Water filtration units. These terms are not usually associated with missionary work or mission organizations. Some of us may picture a missionary as someone who is involved solely in Bible translation or language learning and preaching in a remote village. Surely an engineer couldn’t be used for that kind of mission work, could he? This is the story of how God did just that—how He assembled a team of engineers and tech guys to help get […]
  • A Sacred Responsibility
    “This whole 20-plus years that I worked on it, I felt overwhelmed much of the time, and it felt like it was never going to end. But now… the first printing of the Bru New Testament, including portions of the Old Testament, is actually in our hands!” 


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