Bible Translation

open Bible on a reflective table

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    Bible Translation

    Bible translation works out to about $35 a verse. Will you sponsor a verse or two, or ten? Perhaps you could choose a chapter or even a book to sponsor.

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      God is building His Church, and we are thrilled you are taking part. Through your support, we are making progress on our goal ... a thriving church for every people.

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      Bible translation works out to about $35 a verse. Will you sponsor a verse or two, or ten? Perhaps you could choose a chapter or even a book to sponsor.

      $35 pays for a verse and a lot more.

      It pays for all the costs of translating a verse, flying people in to check it, attending seminars to help translators do it well — even printing it and getting it to the people. It also provides for literacy materials, so people can read God’s Word and take notes. And it funds Bible lessons, so they can understand it clearly. $35 covers everything but the chocolate. So I guess if chocolate is as important to you as it is to us, you could give $36 a verse.

      Tribal churches need
      more than Bibles translated.

      They need Bible lessons that help them understand the God they never knew about, and literacy materials to enable them learn to read their own language for the first time. All of which must be printed, transported and distributed.

      • $35 provides for a verse.
      • $500 would pay to translate a book the size of 3 John
      • $1k would translate an average chapter
      • $5k translates a book the size of Galatians

      How You’ll Be Helping

      Ethnos estimates that it takes 15 years and $277,000 from the time a work starts until a Bible is printed. That works out to about $35 a verse. Will you sponsor a verse or two, or ten? Perhaps you could choose a chapter or even a book to sponsor. All for only $35 a verse.

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      • open Bible on a reflective table

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